
Authors are invited to prepare presentations of:

* 25 minutes (20 minutes for presentation + 5 for discussion) --- long paper

* 10 minutes (7 minutes for presentation + 3 for discussion) --- short paper

DAY 1 - September 9, 2010

12:00-13:00 Registration
13:00-13:30 Welcome (Hall CP2.B1)

Invited Speaker - Flávio Junqueira, Yahoo! Research, Distributed Coordination.(CP2-B1)


Barrett R. Bryant: Grammar Inference Technology Applications in Software Engineering (Invited Talk).(CP2-B1)


coffee break


Luís Garcia-Forte and Casiano Rodriguez-Leon: Solving Difficult LR Parsing Conflicts by Postponing Them Bastian Cramer.

Jan Wolter and Uwe Kastens: Animation of Tile-Based Games Automatically Derived from Simulation Specifications.

Miguel Monteiro, João Cardoso and Simona Posea: Identification and Characterization of Crosscutting Concerns in MATLAB Systems.

Ines Ceh, Matej Crepinsek, Tomaz Kosar and Marjan Mernik: Using ontology in the development of domain-specific languages.

Nuno Oliveira, Nuno Rodrigues and Pedro Rangel Henriques: Domain-Specific Language for Coordination Patterns.


Business Meeting (CP2.B1)

DAY 2 - September 10, 2010


Sérgio Areias, Daniela da Cruz, Jorge Sousa Pinto and Pedro Rangel Henriques: GammaPolarSlicer - A Contract-based Tool to help on Reuse.

Paulo André and Salvador Abreu: Producing EAM code from the WAM.

Bruno Teixeira, João Lourenço and Diogo Sousa: A Static Approach for Detecting Concurrency Anomalies in Transactional Memory.


coffee break


Pedro Henriques, André Rocha, André Santos, Rocha Daniel, Hélder Silva, Jorge Mendes, Mário Coelho, Miguel Regedor, José Freitas and Daniela Cruz: AGile, a structured editor, analyzer, metric evaluator, and transformer for Attribute Grammars (short paper).

Flavio Cruz and Ricardo Rocha: Efficient Retrieval of Subsumed Subgoals in Tabled Logic Programs (short paper).

Miguel Areias and Ricardo Rocha: Mixed-Strategies for Linear Tabling in Prolog (short paper).

Hugo Areias, Alberto Simões, Pedro Henriques and Daniela da Cruz: Parser Generation in Perl - an Overview and Available Tools (short paper).

João Saraiva and Eric Van Wyk: Realizing Bidirectional Transformations in Attribute Grammars (short paper).




Invited Speaker - José Nuno Oliveira, Universidade do Minho, Hands on a verification challenge: proving a journaled file system correct.(CP2-B1)


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